Official Mayo Clinic Diet Plan
Description / History:
The official mayo clinic diet plan has been created in the forementionned institute. It is not a restrictive diet plan like most diets. It encourages the person who is dieting to eat a lot of low calorie foods that are good for you and to balance out your diet.
You can eat almost any fresh veggies and fruits you want. You can also eat lean proteins, whole wheats and good fats.
It is not to be confused with a fad diet that markets itself as a Mayo clinic diet.
The mayo clinic diet plan can help lower cholesterol and help with blood pressure problems. It is said to decrease the risks of cancers and diabetes also.
The diet is made so you can indulge in low calories foods, this means you do not feel hungry when on this diet.
As for every diet plan, you must absolutely monitor your nutriment intake and your health, with a doctor if possible.
What you can eat?:
- Dairy
- Fish
- Fruits
- Grains
- Red Meat
- Vegetables
- Wine
- Dairy
- Fish
- Fruits
- Grains
- Red Meat
- Vegetables
- Wine
Official Website:
0 testimonials are availible.
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